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Untapped Cybersecurity Opportunity: SMBs and Your Next Growth Engine

The cybersecurity landscape is evolving at breakneck speed, and small-to-medium-sized-businesses (SMBs) are becoming prime targets for increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Gone are the days of thinking their size shields them from harm.

Recent statistics paint a grim picture:

  • Over 2,200 cyberattacks occur every single day, targeting vulnerabilities in endpoints, remote workforces, and even seemingly harmless emails.
  • SMBs represent 43% of cyberattack targets, accounting for a staggering 64% of web-based attacks and 62% of phishing attempts.
  • The average data breach costs a staggering $150 million, a burden most SMBs simply cannot bear.

These aren't just numbers; they represent devastated businesses, stolen data, and shattered reputations. It's a nightmare scenario no business wants to face.

But here's the good news: You, as an MSP, hold the key to unlocking a lucrative and impactful opportunity. By partnering with VisibilityMSP, you can become the hero in the midst of this cyber storm, offering SMBs the security solutions they desperately need.

Let's analyze the situation: An under-defended local business, despite its vibrant potential, faces the stark reality of increased cyberattack vulnerability.

You confidently offer them:

  • Multi-layered endpoint protection: Shield their laptops, desktops, and mobile devices from malware, viruses, and other threats.
  • Fortress-like remote workforce security: Secure their scattered devices wherever they roam, from home offices to coffee shops.
  • Impenetrable phishing defenses: Train their employees to spot and avoid deceptive emails, the gateway to data breaches.
  • Zero-trust architecture that assumes no one is safe: Implement stringent access controls and constant monitoring to prevent attackers from moving laterally within their network.

These are just a few arrows in your cybersecurity quiver. VisibilityMSP offers a full arsenal of white-label Security-as-a-Service solutions, all meticulously crafted to protect the unique needs of SMBs.

But the benefits extend far beyond just your clients.

Partnering with VisibilityMSP allows you to:

  • Expand your client base and revenue: Tap into a vast, underserved market and watch your profits soar with recurring Security-as-a-Service subscriptions.
  • Differentiate yourself in a crowded market: Become the go-to security expert for SMBs, standing out from your competition with tailored solutions and expert support.
  • Build lasting relationships and loyalty: Become a trusted advisor, exceeding client expectations and fostering enduring partnerships.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Contact VisibilityMSP today and discover how we can help you:

  • Turn vulnerable SMBs into secure, thriving businesses.
  • Become a leader in the SMB cybersecurity space.
  • Fuel your MSP's growth and solidify your position as a trusted security partner.

Together, let's build a safer digital landscape for SMBs, one shielded device at a time.


To learn more about our Security-as-a-Service, follow the link here! If you are interested in purchasing, and want to talk to someone from our team, email info@visibilitymsp.com or call 877.877.6775.